Architecture Ingénierie Intérieurs

Pont Jingjia à Ningbo

Chine, 2009

Projet: Pont Jinjia à Ningbo, Chine
Maître d’ouvrage: Ville de Ningbo
Architecte: Marc Mimram / chef de projet Laurent Becker
Lieu de réalisation: franchissement de la rivière Yongjiang
Date de réalisation: 2006
Caractéristiques: Longueur totale 1 075 m – Franchissement 276 m – Portée maximum 240 m



The project gives us two opportunities: One is to present a modern sign of the development of the city, the other is to anchor this development is the geography of the Yongjiang River.
With those two levels of projection , the bridge will not only be a technical achievement but will take roots in the landscape and the history of the city .

The project of the new Jingjia Bridge bases the redevelopment of the city on a new urban landscape ordered by the qualitiesof the geography, not only the river but the pleasures of the urban promenade along the bank sides shared by the inhabitants.

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